A pilgrimage to resource efficiency 

The Blogging Pilgrim

    Old world self-sufficiency in a new world … 

So much of our lives literally revolves around the kitchen. We eat all our meals together there, sharing the day’s challenges and successes. It served as the school room and the family room for playing games. Plans for the day and the future are discussed and solidified over food and drink. The bills get paid, records are kept and taxes figured there. Seeds are spread on the table while planning the garden and jars are sorted and filled there at harvest time. Quilts and clothes get cut and sewn on that table. Neighbors and friends are always welcome to share a cup of coffee and baked goods of the day. Wonderful memories reside in the kitchen while delightful new, little people come to add their chapters.

German Pancakes

Sheila shared her grandmother’s recipe for a German Pancake. I love that it gives the ingredient measurements by pan size. I had never thought about making one big pancake and cutting it like a pie to serve but what a FUN variation. Although the blender was invented in 1922 not everyone in 1930 owned one. I suspect many a homemaker used a handmixer.

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Spinach with Mushrooms

This recipe was used in the late spring and early summer. It was either an excuse for or an added bonus of taking a walk in the woods.

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Pea Roast with Carrot Sauce

Frozen peas are often chosen over canned peas for their flavor and texture. This recipe transforms those less desirable traits into a novel ‘loaf’.

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Keeping Kids Occupied During Camping

For adults, camping can bewonderful vacation, but for many children who are joined at the hip to their cell phones, game systems and general comforts of home, it can be closer to a waking nightmare. Here are some tips to keep your little ones occupied and interested on camping trips.

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Lamb Potpie

Use the leftovers from the Potted Shoulder of Lamb.

Some things are even better the second time around.

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It can get worse, so beware of the following scenario.

Your toaster. Mice love toasters. A handy appliance otherwise, when it comes to mice their singular drawback becomes evident due to the necessity of their design. There it innocuously sits, a couple or more slots in the top with a cavernous interior where the right-sized rodent species can freely enter and exit at will, and once in these cute little vermin feel not only safe, but since the bottom of the device is full of bread crumbs, they can feed to their hearts content in presumed safety. That is, until

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