A pilgrimage to resource efficiency 

All food is storable food, let’s talk about the long term.

The term storable food actually covers all food. Storable food, simply put, is stored away for later use.  Even fresh food is stored for days in the refrigerator. The real question is how long a particular food item can be stored, what difference the processing method makes, when it starts to lose nutritional value or change in consistency and when it becomes dangerous to consume.

Home canned food can be stored for anywhere from a year to a decade depending on how acidic it is, if it’s heavily salted, or mostly sugar like jellies and preserves and how it is processed. Assuming that it was processed properly to begin with, canned and dried foods do not normally become unsafe when stored longer than the recommended time, but they eventually discolor, the nutritional value diminishes, the consistency changes and the flavor fades. Rotating home preserved food is very important.Legumes, grains, salt, sugar and powdered milk are the most common, least expensive and most nutritional storable foods. 

Fruits and vegetables commercially prepared for long term storage are dehydrated or freeze-dried to the optimum level then packed with oxygen absorbers in #10 cans or poly buckets to extend the shelf life. Based on industry studies, these storable food items, unopened and kept consistently between 60 and 70 degrees, are expected to be good for 25 to 30 years, making them perfect for emergency food storage. Once opened, their shelf life is normally one year.

“Ready To Use”, “Just Add Water” or “Emergency Food” is pre-made entrees or meals that are the quickest and easiest food storage items available. These products will usually store for 10 – 15 years and are a blessing when meal prep time is limited or the days events have been particularly stressful.”Survival Food” such as energy or high calorie bars, requires NO preparation what-so-ever and should be found in every 72 Hour pack.

Four things effect food; temperature, humidity, light and oxygen. Our storable food packed in plastic buckets has three of these four factors covered. It’s up to you to maintain a proper temperature. With most whole grains and beans, the shelf life after opening is well beyond a year. For those who are attentive to the world’s affairs and are bracing up for a ‘rainy day’, we encourage you to try a variety of dehydrated and freeze-dried food in #10 cans and start using these products now.  You will be amazed at the ease to use, the flavor and the cost per serving.  

The time has come to put misconceptions of food packaged for long term storage to rest.


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