A pilgrimage to resource efficiency 

Scotch Broth vs Lamb Broth

A Recipe from the Great Depression

Lamb bones left from roast
5 quarts of cold Water
1 cup Barley
1 cup Green Dried Peas
1/4 head Cabbage chopped fine
1 Egg beaten
Chopped Parsley
Salt to taste

Cover bones with cold water and bring to a boil. Then add green dried peas which have been soaked in cold water several hours, and all the other ingredients, with a little salt. Simmer slowly for four hours, skimming often. Remove bones and serve.

Lamb Broth

Take the lamb bones removed from a shoulder of lamb. Put them in kettle with 1 onion, 2 carrots, 3 or 4 sprigs of parsley, the same amount of celery, and half a leek.

Add about two quarts of cold water and let it simmer down to amount needed by family. Season to taste with salt.

For a luncheon soup, the vegetables may be cut fine, and cooked in salted water to just cover. Then the soup in which the lamb bones have been cooked may be strained into dish containing the vegetables.

To make a thicker soup add 2 tablespoonfuls of oatmeal with bones from the meat.


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