A pilgrimage to resource efficiency 


The Blogging Pilgrim

    Old world self-sufficiency in a new world … 

So much of our lives literally revolves around the kitchen. We eat all our meals together there, sharing the day’s challenges and successes. It served as the school room and the family room for playing games. Plans for the day and the future are discussed and solidified over food and drink. The bills get paid, records are kept and taxes figured there. Seeds are spread on the table while planning the garden and jars are sorted and filled there at harvest time. Quilts and clothes get cut and sewn on that table. Neighbors and friends are always welcome to share a cup of coffee and baked goods of the day. Wonderful memories reside in the kitchen while delightful new, little people come to add their chapters.

Dehydrated Rose Hips

Thereare many culinary uses for rose hips. They can be used fresh, dried, orpreserved. Rose hips can be used in apple sauce, soups and stews, syrups, puddings, marmalade, tarts, breads, and pie, or made into a jam or jelly.

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Making Jerky Pt. 2

Dehydrate until they are dehydrated, but not to the point of being dessicated. None of that “The Mummy Returns” stuff here.

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Making Jerky Pt. 1

Jerky is actually the end result of the most primitive methods of meat preservation ever used by human beings, so why not give it a try? And why pay thirty bucks a pound for something you can make at home for maybe a tenth of the cost?

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Make your own jerky, fruit roll ups and yogurt right at home. Dried foods require less storage space.Dehydration is an easy way to preserve your fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and meat. Most of our dehydrators can be expanded to fit your needs by adding trays. Dehydrators are a great tool for preserving the natural taste and freshness of everything you have worked so hard to grow. Dehydrating your food is a safe and tasty way to keep fruits, vegetables and even meats for long periods of time. We all love

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Dehydrating is a wonderful way to preserve bumper crops for winter time and beyond. Besides hanging herbs to dry for use in the winter months, I often dehydrate large quantities of onions for soups and breads throughout the winter, and into the summer as we await our next harvest of onions. The smell in the house, is wonderful. It makes the house so warm and cozy, a true signal that fall is in full swing and winter is on it’s way.

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