A pilgrimage to resource efficiency 

storable food

The Blogging Pilgrim

    Old world self-sufficiency in a new world … 

So much of our lives literally revolves around the kitchen. We eat all our meals together there, sharing the day’s challenges and successes. It served as the school room and the family room for playing games. Plans for the day and the future are discussed and solidified over food and drink. The bills get paid, records are kept and taxes figured there. Seeds are spread on the table while planning the garden and jars are sorted and filled there at harvest time. Quilts and clothes get cut and sewn on that table. Neighbors and friends are always welcome to share a cup of coffee and baked goods of the day. Wonderful memories reside in the kitchen while delightful new, little people come to add their chapters.


Make your own jerky, fruit roll ups and yogurt right at home. Dried foods require less storage space.Dehydration is an easy way to preserve your fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and meat. Most of our dehydrators can be expanded to fit your needs by adding trays. Dehydrators are a great tool for preserving the natural taste and freshness of everything you have worked so hard to grow. Dehydrating your food is a safe and tasty way to keep fruits, vegetables and even meats for long periods of time. We all love

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All food is storable food, let’s talk about the long term.

The term storable food actually covers all food. Storable food, simply put, is stored away for later use.  Even fresh food is stored for days in the refrigerator. The real question is how long a particular food item can be stored, what difference the processing method makes, when it starts to lose nutritional value or change in consistency and when it becomes dangerous to consume. Home canned food can be stored for anywhere from a year to a decade depending on how acidic it is, if it’s heavily salted, or

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Homestead ‘Self Reliant Living’

Homesteading is a term used for the ‘back to the land movement’, ‘self reliant living’, ‘self-sufficiency’, ‘back to basics’, or the ‘simple life’.This type of ‘Country Living’ includes rural residents, hobby farmers, suburban gardeners, as well as folks living in cities who are doing what they can to decrease their dependence on the system by gardening, home canning, using renewable energy or having long term food storage. Community gardens are growing in popularity in every major city in the U.S. More alternative energy systems are found in the suburbs than

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Why Storable Food?

Home canned food can be stored for anywhere from a year to a decade depending on how acidic it is, if it’s heavily salted, or mostly sugar like jellies and preserves and how it is processed. Assuming that it was processed properly to begin with, canned and dried foods do not normally become unsafe when stored longer than the recommended time, but they eventually discolor, the nutritional value diminishes, the consistency changes and the flavor fades. Rotating home preserved food is very important.Legumes, grains, salt, sugar and powdered milk are the most common, least

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