A pilgrimage to resource efficiency 

Canning Apples

For years I used the same apple peeler/corer. My kids loved trying to get the entire apple to peel so they could eat just the peel. Sometimes, for a treat after peeling hundreds of apples we would sprinkle some cinnamon and sugar over a plate of apple peelings to be enjoyed as “apple spaghetti”.

We were lucky enough to have several established fruit trees on our property when we moved here, among them were a few different varieties of cherry and apples. We only have one good tree for eating apples and it usually gives us a very pathetic crop of one apple per family member, but our best pie and dessert apple tree has consistently given us an overly abundant harvest. 

This Spring we gave the tree a very heavy pruning, so the harvest isn’t quite as amazing as other years, but the next few years are bound to be spectacular. Of course, I have fewer mouths at home to feed, so the decrease harvest won’t be horribly missed by anyone by our lone goat and the laying hens who love apples. Even with the heavy pruning, I have apples falling off of the tree, which entice bears into the yard to take their pick of my favorite fruit. I stand corrected, the neighborhood bears will also miss the overly abundant harvest. The first sign of bears in the yard is always a reminder to me that we need to get to the apples before they do and out with that, the ladder comes out. 

My kids always preferred climbing up into the tree, which miraculously has not resulted in any broken limbs over the years, and as I still have one kid left at home, he is the go to guy for apple picking. Unfortunately, my youngest son is not as interested in helping to get the apples from the basket to the jar as he is getting them from the branch to the basket

For years I used the same apple peeler/corer. My kids loved trying to get the entire apple to peel so they could eat just the peel. Sometimes, for a treat after peeling hundreds of apples we would sprinkle some cinnamon and sugar over a plate of apple peelings to be enjoyed as “apple spaghetti”. I know, my kids are weird. This trick worked much better on my first three children than it does on my last child. 
When I was selecting which product to carry for my site, this product was a no brainer. I sell the same apple peeler/corer that has served in my kitchen since I first started canning over 26 years ago. I want other resource pilgrims to find the same joy and ease in doing things their own way as I have, so naturally I would share with them the products that have so well served me. 

I love when someone calls to order one of these, either as their first one or as a gift for someone else, because I know that they are about to begin a lifetime journey that they are going to love. Homemade applesauce, canned apples to add to oatmeal, tasty apple crisp with homegrown apples in the middle of winter, healthier and happier kids. What isn’t there to love?


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