A pilgrimage to resource efficiency 

Pears “For Every Day of the Week”

Pears Carry Their Own Sugar

During a period of sugar shortage, fresh pears are particularly valuable since they are rich in sugar – mostly of the levulose type, twice as sweet as cane sugar.

In many recipes calling for pears it is not necessary to add any sugar. Also fresh pears contain important alkali-forming minerals that aid in maintaining the acid-base balance of the body.
With the present government emphasis on the importance of nutrition in our war effort, fresh pears march into prominence in the diet.

Studies by nutritional authorities have shown fresh pears to be nourishing and high in health values. They contain vitamins A, B and C and their mild juices are enjoyed by many persons who prefer them to more acid fruits.

Ask your grocer for fresh pears from the sunny valleys of Oregon, Washington and California.

The rest of this week will be dedicated to Fresh Pear Recipes from the Great Depression.


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