A pilgrimage to resource efficiency 


Sprouting seeds at home is the cheapest and most convenient way to have fresh greens with all the healthful benefits in any season.

Sprouts are nutrient-dense, and an incredibly simple way to enhance everyday meals. Sprouts are full of antioxidants, protein, chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Broccoli sprouts have been found to contain 50 times as much of the antioxidant sulfurophane as mature broccoli. Wheat Grass juice is the closest substance to hemoglobin known and is therefore a phenomenal blood purifier and liver de-toxifier. Sprouts contain enzymes, giving your body a much needed rest as they digest themselves – invigorating you while requiring no help from your body to process them. Peanut sprouts may reduce harmful cholesterol and sunflower, buckwheat and grain sprouts are believed to be particularly beneficial for diabetics. Wheat grass juice is a complete food with no toxic side affects. It contains all of the vitamins and most of the minerals needed to keep a person alive and well. It is also a complete protein with about 30 enzymes and is approximately 70% crude chlorophyll. Sprouts packaged for long-term storage should last 25-30 years when properly stored between 50 and 65 degrees consistent temperature. Once opened, Basic storage is cool, dry and dark, 55-70° (f) with humidity of 70% or less. Seed life can be maximized by freezing, which will increase shelf life 4-5 times, however, condensation must be avoided. Refrigerating your seeds will at least double their self life. 

Thorough rinsing requires thorough draining so shake the sprouter well to get as much water out after every rinse.


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