Be ready for whatever life throws at you with nutritional, tasty emergency food. Keep a few high calorie emergency bars in the car for a quick “meal” on the go when time is tight. Have plenty of prepackaged, single serving meals in the pantry for the unexpected natural disaster that takes out the power.
Emergency Survival Food Supply Our emergency survival food kits are packaged for long shelf life and are great in an emergency or disaster situation.Emergency food supply is just that … food for emergencies. When your family experiences an emergency situation, you need to prepare a simple, nutritious meal in minutes. High calorie, high protein food bars are the ideal emergency survival food to keep on hand for intense situations. We offer a variety of emergency survival food kits and supplies designed and packaged for long shelf life, optimum nutritional value and ease of preparation.
The more acute the situation, the more simple and portable the emergency food needs to be.
Within this 72 Hour Kit are individually packed entrees that contain nutritious ingredients such as rice, dehydrated vegetables, and delicious dry soup mix flavoring. Along with these delicious emergency food items is Morning Moo’s® Low Fat Milk Alternative, a tasty powdered milk drink. All meals are easy to prepare—just add the indicated amount of water and simmer a few minutes.
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