Various methods of canning high acid foods such as fruit and tomatoes are available with steam canners, open kettles and water bath canners.
Equipment for heat processing home canned food is of two main types — boiling water canners and pressure canners. All high acid foods should be processed in a water bath or steam canner and all low acid foods in a pressure canner. Higher acid foods (and those which have been acidified) that may be safely canned in a boiling water bath canner or a steam canner include jams, jellies, pickles, applesauce, apple butter, peaches, peach butter, pears, pear butter, spaghetti sauce without meat, ketchup and tomatoes.Low-acid foods include meat, dairy, poultry, all vegetables (except tomatoes) and some fruits. These need to be processed in a pressure canner.
To learn more about canning and what kind of canner to use for your project, check out our blog .
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