Doing without electricity and getting large quantities of foods prepared quickly for cooking, canning, freezing or dehydrating is possible with a wide variety of hand powered kitchen tools. Our non electric appliances make food preparation for cooking or canning quick and efficient with minimal clean-up.
Also known as an egg beater, this rotary design is perfect for whisking and mixing jobs in less time and more thoroughly than can be done with a regular whisk or spoon. Makes a suitable substitute for an electric mixer in lighter applications.
The Cherry Pitter, also called a cherry stoner, can handle up to 30 pounds of cherries in an hour, feeding and separating pits from fruits with little loss of juice.
Sprouting with the Kitchen Crop Sprouter allows you to eat the freshest plant-based food year-round. Whether you’re eating fresh sprouts in sandwiches, salads, green or fruit smoothies, they will be a powerful boost to your diet!
Lindy’s 7qt Stainless Steel Water Kettle
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The VKP, non-electric Food Strainer & Sauce Maker makes quick work of applesauce and tomato sauce leaving a perfect product, free of seeds and skins.
Wonder Mill Junior Deluxe Hand Grain and Flour Mill
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Stainless Steel Drip Coffee Maker for a perfect cup of coffee on any heat source.
Four Piece Food Strainer Accessory Pack . The screens are made of Stainless Steel. Designed for use ONLY with the model VKP250 Food Strainer. All screens made of durable, rust-resistant stainless steel
The Grain Mill is great for emergencies and small batch baking – you will enjoy it for years to come!
Extract the natural juice of grapes, berries, and other high-liquid fruits with the power of steam. Just boil water in the bottom container and place fruit in the top container. Natural concentrated fruit juice drips in the center pan where it can be extracted through a surgical-quality, heat-resistant tube. Use the juice for making jellies or to store as concentrates for healthy natural fruit juice.
Use any ground meat, flavored to your liking to make the perfect jerky strip with this Presto Jerky Gun.
Make roasted nuts for use on salads, dessert toppings, or as a snack. Use it in combination with our nut glazes and nut containers.
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The Country Living Grain Mill is an investment that will pay for itself today and be enjoyed far into the future.
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