Lightweight and compact Burns up to 36 hours (With one wick lit) Burns up to 12 hours (With three wicks lit) Variable light (by the number of wicks lit)
Lightweight and compact Burns up to 36 hours (With one wick lit) Burns up to 12 hours (With three wicks lit) Variable light (by the number of wicks lit)
Weight | 1 lbs |
TriWick 120 Hour Emergency Survival Candle
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It’s very important to have extras of this wick for your cook stove. Replacement wicks and additional fuel are a wise investment to insure extended use of you Alpaca kerosene stove should the emergency situation continue more than a few days.
Perfect for survival, emergency needs and cold winters.
Alpaca Kerosene Cook Stove, the compact cooker burns for 16 hours on 9/10 gallon of fuel and produces up to 8500 BTUs of heat. Designed durable for outdoor use
These slow burning emergency candles are perfect for camping, emergency preparedness kits or to have on the ready during bad weather events.
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