A pilgrimage to resource efficiency 

Radiation Exposure First Aid

Potassium iodide helps block radioactive iodine from being absorbed by the thyroid gland and is used to protect people from the carcinogenic effects of radiation exposure after an accident at a nuclear power plant or other nuclear explosion.

The effectiveness of Potassium Iodide as a specific blocker of thyroid radioactive iodine uptake is well established. Do you have a nuclear power plant near you? Are you worried about the possibility of radiation exposure following a terrorist attack? Don”t wait until the raids start climbing to prepare. Be safe with potassium iodide capsules. Radioactive iodides are a common byproduct that can be inhaled or ingested during an exposure to radiation. Potassium iodide is a pill that is effective in reducing the risk of thyroid cancer caused by radioactive iodides. Potassium iodide floods the thyroid with non-radioactive iodine and lessens the uptake of the radioactive molecules. The body purges the radioactive isotopes through urine. Dosage for adults over the age of 40 is contingent on the level of radioactive isotopes inhaled. The side effects of potassium iodide increase with age and may exceed the protective effects of the drug. Numerous experts offer dosage recommendations and users should take time to inform themselves prior to administering the drug.               

In addition to being prepared with Potassium Iodide, you should have a plan to minimize exposure. In the case of a nuclear disaster, the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements recommends: Evacuation when possible and safe to do so.Remaining inside and the minimizing opening of doors and windows. Turning off fans, air conditioners, and forced-air heating units that bring fresh air in from the outside. Avoiding consumption of fruits, vegetables, and milk from the area until shown to be free of contamination.

Radiation Exposure First Aid – Mayflower Trading Company


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