Variety packages of dehydrated and freeze-dried fruits and vegetables, meat substitute, baking needs and cereals. Expands your long term food storage, adds assortment and versatility.
Incorporate as much versatility as possible into your long term food storage plan by adding our storable food variety packs.As you accumulate items for a long term food storage, you may find that you have covered the caloric requirements through grains and legumes but have large quantities of the same thing. This approach will sustain life but may become boring. Storable food includes most of the items we use everyday in dehydrated form. Dehydrated meat or meat substitutes (Total Vegetable Protein – like bacon bits) and can be added to pasta, rice and potato dishes, making them a complete meal. The vegetable packs add visual and nutritional variety while adding fruits adds an exciting diversity. By having dairy and baking ingredients available in #10 cans, you can prepare breads, pies, cakes, brownies and cookies to bring a sense of normalcy and psychological comfort to a trying time. Complete your food preps with these variety packs that have been designed to compliment and expand a basic food storage plan such as our Basic One Year Food Package in multiple ways.
You can prepare today to survive tomorrow or prepare today to enjoy tomorrow. Storable Food Variety Packs